The Impact of Sketch-guided vs. Prompt-guided 3D Generative AIs on the Design Exploration Process


Various modalities have emerged in the field of 3D generative AI (GenAI) to enhance design outcomes. While some designers find inspiration in prompts to guide their design options, others prefer sketching to embody creative visions. Nonetheless, the impact of the different modalities of 3D GenAI on the design process remains largely unexplored. This study examines the utilization of prompt- and sketch-guided modalities within the design process by conducting linkography and workflow analyses with 12 designers. The results revealed that prompts played a pivotal role in stimulating initial ideation, whereas sketches played a crucial role in embodying design ideas. This investigation highlights the distinct contributions of these modalities at different phases of the design process, suggesting the potential for a more refined and synergistic collaboration between humans and AI. By elucidating the diverse functions of sketches and prompts, we propose prospective directions for the UX framework of the 3D GenAI.

Seung Won Lee
Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of
Tae Hee Jo
Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of
Semin Jin
Interior Architecture Design, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of
Jiin Choi
Interior Architecture Design, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of
Kyungwon Yun
RECON Labs Inc., Seoul, Korea, Republic of
Sergio Bromberg
Recon Labs, Seoul, Korea, Republic of
Seonghoon Ban
RECON Labs Inc., Seoul, Korea, Republic of
Kyung Hoon Hyun
Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of


会議: CHI 2024

The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (

セッション: Writing, Sketching and AI

4 件の発表
2024-05-14 01:00:00
2024-05-14 02:20:00