Choosing the Right Reality: A Comparative Analysis of Tangibility in Immersive Trauma Simulations

In the field of medical first responder training, the choice of training modality is crucial for skill retention and real-world application. This study introduces the Green Manikin, an advanced Mixed Reality (MR) tool, conceptually combining the immersiveness of Virtual Reality (VR) with the tangibility of real-world training, and compares it against traditional real-world simulations and VR training. Our findings indicate that MR and real-world settings excel in Self and Social Presence, and in intention to use, offering heightened psychological presence suitable for complex training scenarios. Effort expectancy was highest in real-world environments, suggesting their ease of use for basic skill acquisition. This nuanced understanding allows for better tailoring of training modalities to specific educational objectives. Our research validates the utility of MR and offers a framework for selecting the most effective training environment for different learning outcomes in medical first responder training.

Comparison of Spatial Visualization Techniques for Radiation in Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) provides a safe and low-cost option for hazardous safety training that allows for the visualization of aspects that may be invisible, such as radiation. Effectively visually communicating such threats in the environment around the user is not straightforward. This work describes visually encoding radiation using the spatial awareness mesh of an AR Head Mounted Display. We leverage the AR device’s GPUs to develop a real time solution that accumulates multiple dynamic sources and uses stencils to prevent an environment being over saturated with a visualization, as well as supporting the encoding of direction explicitly in the visualization. We perform a user study (25 participants) of different visualizations and obtain user feedback. Results show that there are complex interactions and while no visual representation was statistically superior or inferior, user opinions vary widely. We also discuss the evaluation approaches and provide recommendations.

Exploring the Design Space of Optical See-through AR Head-Mounted Displays to Support First Responders in the Field

First responders (FRs) navigate hazardous, unfamiliar environments in the field (e.g., mass-casualty incidents), making life-changing decisions in a split second. AR head-mounted displays (HMDs) have shown promise in supporting them due to its capability of recognizing and augmenting the challenging environments in a hands-free manner. However, the design space have not been thoroughly explored by involving various FRs who serve different roles (e.g., firefighters, law enforcement) but collaborate closely in the field. We interviewed 26 first responders in the field who experienced a state-of-the-art optical-see-through AR HMD, as well as its interaction techniques and four types of AR cues (i.e., overview cues, directional cues, highlighting cues, and labeling cues), soliciting their first-hand experiences, design ideas, and concerns. Our study revealed both generic and role-specific preferences and needs for AR hardware, interactions, and feedback, as well as identifying desired AR designs tailored to urgent, risky scenarios (e.g., affordance augmentation to facilitate fast and safe action). While acknowledging the value of AR HMDs, concerns were also raised around trust, privacy, and proper integration with other equipment. Finally, we derived comprehensive and actionable design guidelines to inform future AR systems for in-field FRs.

Transitioning Cognitive Aids into Decision Support Platforms: Requirements and Design Guidelines

Digital cognitive aids have the potential to serve as clinical decision support platforms, triggering alerts about process delays and recommending interventions. In this mixed-methods study, we examined how a digital checklist for pediatric trauma resuscitation could trigger decision support alerts and recommendations. We identified two criteria that cognitive aids must satisfy to support these alerts: (1) context information must be entered in a timely, accurate, and standardized manner, and (2) task status must be accurately documented. Using co-design sessions and near-live simulations, we created two checklist features to satisfy these criteria: a form for entering the pre-hospital information and a progress slider for documenting the progression of a multi-step task. We evaluated these two features in the wild, contributing guidelines for designing these features on cognitive aids to support alerts and recommendations in time- and safety-critical scenarios.

AI is Entering Regulated Territory: Understanding the Supervisors' Perspective for Model Justifiability in Financial Crime Detection

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to bring significant benefits to highly regulated industries such as healthcare or banking. Adoption, however, remains low. AI's entry into complex socio-techno-legal systems raises issues of transparency, specifically for regulators. However, the perspective of supervisors, regulators who monitor compliance with applicable financial regulations, has rarely been studied. This paper focuses on understanding the needs of supervisors in anti-money laundering (AML) to better inform the design of AI justifications and explanations in highly regulated fields. Through scenario-based workshops with 13 supervisors and 6 banking professionals, we outline the auditing practices and socio-technical context of the supervisor. By combining the workshops’ insights with an analysis of compliance requirements, we identify the AML obligations that conflict with AI opacity. We then formulate seven needs that supervisors have for model justifiability. We discuss the role of explanations as reliable evidence on which to base justifications.
