CRTypist: Simulating Touchscreen Typing Behavior via Computational Rationality

Touchscreen typing requires coordinating the fingers and visual attention for button-pressing, proofreading, and error correction. Computational models need to account for the associated fast pace, coordination issues, and closed-loop nature of this control problem, which is further complicated by the immense variety of keyboards and users. The paper introduces CRTypist, which generates human-like typing behavior. Its key feature is a reformulation of the supervisory control problem, with the visual attention and motor system being controlled with reference to a working memory representation tracking the text typed thus far. Movement policy is assumed to asymptotically approach optimal performance in line with cognitive and design-related bounds. This flexible model works directly from pixels, without requiring hand-crafted feature engineering for keyboards. It aligns with human data in terms of movements and performance, covers individual differences, and can generalize to diverse keyboard designs. Though limited to skilled typists, the model generates useful estimates of the typing performance achievable under various conditions.

WheelPose: Data Synthesis Techniques to Improve Pose Estimation Performance on Wheelchair Users

Existing pose estimation models perform poorly on wheelchair users due to a lack of representation in training data. We present a data synthesis pipeline to address this disparity in data collection and subsequently improve pose estimation performance for wheelchair users. Our configurable pipeline generates synthetic data of wheelchair users using motion capture data and motion generation outputs simulated in the Unity game engine. We validated our pipeline by conducting a human evaluation, investigating perceived realism, diversity, and an AI performance evaluation on a set of synthetic datasets from our pipeline that synthesized different backgrounds, models, and postures. We found our generated datasets were perceived as realistic by human evaluators, had more diversity than existing image datasets, and had improved person detection and pose estimation performance when fine-tuned on existing pose estimation models. Through this work, we hope to create a foothold for future efforts in tackling the inclusiveness of AI in a data-centric and human-centric manner with the data synthesis techniques demonstrated in this work. Finally, for future works to extend upon, we open source all code in this research and provide a fully configurable Unity Environment used to generate our datasets. In the case of any models we are unable to share due to redistribution and licensing policies, we provide detailed instructions on how to source and replace said models. All materials can be found at

Sitting Posture Recognition and Feedback: A Literature Review

Extensive sitting is unhealthy; thus, countermeasures are needed to react to the ongoing trend toward more prolonged sitting. A variety of studies and guidelines have long addressed the question of how we can improve our sitting habits. Nevertheless, sitting time is still increasing. Here, smart devices can provide a general overview of sitting habits for more nuanced feedback on the user's sitting posture. Based on a literature review (N=223), including publications from engineering, computer science, medical sciences, electronics, and more, our work guides developers of posture systems. There is a large variety of approaches, with pressure-sensing hardware and visual feedback being the most prominent. We found factors like environment, cost, privacy concerns, portability, and accuracy important for deciding hardware and feedback types. Further, one should consider the user's capabilities, preferences, and tasks. Regarding user studies for sitting posture feedback, there is a need for better comparability and for investigating long-term effects.

iPose: Interactive Human Pose Reconstruction from Video

Reconstructing 3D human poses from video has wide applications, such as character animation and sports analysis. Automatic 3D pose reconstruction methods have demonstrated promising results, but failure cases can still appear due to the diversity of human actions, capturing conditions, and depth ambiguities. Thus, manual intervention remains indispensable, which can be time-consuming and require professional skills. We thus present iPose, an interactive tool that facilitates intuitive human pose reconstruction from a given video. Our tool incorporates both human perception in specifying pose appearance to achieve controllability, and video frame processing algorithms to achieve precision and automation. A user manipulates the projection of a 3D pose via 2D operations on top of video frames, and the 3D poses are updated correspondingly while satisfying both kinematic and video frame constraints. The pose updates are propagated temporally to reduce user workload. We evaluate the effectiveness of iPose with a user study on the 3DPW dataset and expert interviews.
