Designing Distinguishable Mid-Air Ultrasound Tactons with Temporal Parameters

Mid-air ultrasound technology offers new design opportunities for contactless tactile patterns (i.e., Tactons) in user applications. Yet, few guidelines exist for making ultrasound Tactons easy to distinguish for users. In this paper, we investigated the distinguishability of temporal parameters of ultrasound Tactons in five studies (n=72 participants). Study 1 established the discrimination thresholds for amplitude-modulated (AM) frequencies. In Studies 2-5, we investigated distinguishable ultrasound Tactons by creating four Tacton sets based on mechanical vibrations in the literature and collected similarity ratings for the ultrasound Tactons. We identified a subset of temporal parameters, such as rhythm and low envelope frequency, that could create distinguishable ultrasound Tactons. Also, a strong correlation (mean Spearman's ρ=0.75) existed between similarity ratings for ultrasound Tactons and similarities of mechanical Tactons from the literature, suggesting vibrotactile designers can transfer their knowledge to ultrasound design. We present design guidelines and future directions for creating distinguishable mid-air ultrasound Tactons.

Controlled-STM: A two-stage model to predict user’s Perceived Intensity for Multi-point Spatiotemporal Modulation in Ultrasonic Mid-air Haptics

Multi-point STM offers a great range of parameters (i.e., drawing frequency, number of points) to produce different tactile sensations. However, existing studies offer limited insight on the effects of these parameters, and ignore their effect on the physical stimuli delivered, limiting effective haptic design.

We propose a two-stage model to predict response to multi-point STM. The first stage predicts physical stimulus properties with 7.8\% error, while the second stage predicts mean and spread of perceived intensity with 8.0\% and 8.8\% error.

We report 3 studies conducted to derive this model: one to characterize physical stimuli, another one measuring user perceptual thresholds, and a third one measuring user’s perceptual response to multi-point STM. Besides, we characterize 4 effects that influence device performance, confirm if previous effects reported are due to physical or perceptual effects (or both) and derive recommendations for manufacturers, haptic designers and HCI researchers.

Designing Haptic Feedback for Sequential Gestural Inputs

This work seeks to design and evaluate haptic feedback for sequential gestural inputs, where mid-air hand gestures are used to express system commands. Nine haptic patterns are first designed leveraging metaphors. To pursue efficient interaction, we examine the trade-off between pattern duration and recognition accuracy and find that durations as short as 0.3s-0.5s achieve roughly 80\%-90\% accuracy. We then examine the haptic design for sequential inputs, where we vary when the feedback for each gesture is provided, along with pattern duration, gesture sequence length, and age. Results show that providing haptic patterns right after detected hand gestures leads to significantly more efficient interaction compared with concatenating all haptic patterns after the gesture sequence. Moreover, the number of gestures had little impact on performance, but age is a significant predictor. Our results suggest that immediate feedback with 0.3s and 0.5s pattern duration would be recommended for younger and older users respectively.

Expressive, Scalable, Mid-Air Haptics with Synthetic Jets

Non-contact, mid-air haptic devices have been utilized for a wide variety of experiences, including those in extended reality, public displays, medical, and automotive domains. In this work, we explore the use of synthetic jets as a promising and under-explored mid-air haptic feedback method. We show how synthetic jets can scale from compact, low-powered devices, all the way to large, long-range, and steerable devices. We built seven functional prototypes targeting different application domains, in order to illustrate the broad applicability of our approach. These example devices are capable of rendering complex haptic effects, varying in both time and space. We quantify the physical performance of our designs using spatial pressure and wind flow measurements, and validate their compelling effect on users with stimuli recognition and qualitative studies.
