IntentTuner: An Interactive Framework for Integrating Human Intentions in Fine-tuning Text-to-Image Generative Models

Fine-tuning facilitates the adaptation of text-to-image generative models to novel concepts (e.g., styles and portraits), empowering users to forge creatively customized content. Recent efforts on fine-tuning focus on reducing training data and lightening computation overload but neglect alignment with user intentions, particularly in manual curation of multi-modal training data and intent-oriented evaluation. Informed by a formative study with fine-tuning practitioners for comprehending user intentions, we propose IntentTuner, an interactive framework that intelligently incorporates human intentions throughout each phase of the fine-tuning workflow. IntentTuner enables users to articulate training intentions with imagery exemplars and textual descriptions, automatically converting them into effective data augmentation strategies. Furthermore, IntentTuner introduces novel metrics to measure user intent alignment, allowing intent-aware monitoring and evaluation of model training. Application exemplars and user studies demonstrate that IntentTuner streamlines fine-tuning, reducing cognitive effort and yielding superior models compared to the common baseline tool.

Table Illustrator: Puzzle-based interactive authoring of plain tables

Plain tables excel at displaying data details and are widely used in data presentation, often polished to an elaborate appearance for readability in many scenarios. However, existing authoring tools fail to provide both flexible and efficient support for altering the table layout and styles, motivating us to develop an intuitive and swift tool for table prototyping. To this end, we contribute Table Illustrator, a table authoring system taking a novel visual metaphor, puzzle, as the primary interaction unit. Through combinations and configurations on puzzles, the system enables rapid table construction and supports a diverse range of table layouts and styles. The tool design is informed by practical challenges and requirements from interviews with 10 table practitioners and a structured design space based on an analysis of over 2,500 real-world tables. User studies showed that Table Illustrator achieved comparable performance to Microsoft Excel while reducing users' completion time and perceived workload.

Is It AI or Is It Me? Understanding Users’ Prompt Journey with Text-to-Image Generative AI Tools

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has witnessed unprecedented growth in text-to-image AI tools. Yet, much remains unknown about users' prompt journey with such tools in the wild. In this paper, we posit that designing human-centered text-to-image AI tools requires a clear understanding of how individuals intuitively approach crafting prompts, and what challenges they may encounter. To address this, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 19 existing users of a text-to-image AI tool. Our findings (1) offer insights into users’ prompt journey including structures and processes for writing, evaluating, and refining prompts in text-to-image AI tools and (2) indicate that users must overcome barriers to aligning AI to their intents, and mastering prompt crafting knowledge. From the findings, we discuss the prompt journey as an individual yet a social experience and highlight opportunities for aligning text-to-image AI tools and users’ intents.

PromptCharm: Text-to-Image Generation through Multi-modal Prompting and Refinement

The recent advancements in Generative AI have significantly advanced the field of text-to-image generation. The state-of-the-art text-to-image model, Stable Diffusion, is now capable of synthesizing high-quality images with a strong sense of aesthetics. Crafting text prompts that align with the model's interpretation and the user's intent thus becomes crucial. However, prompting remains challenging for novice users due to the complexity of the stable diffusion model and the non-trivial efforts required for iteratively editing and refining the text prompts. To address these challenges, we propose PromptCharm, a mixed-initiative system that facilitates text-to-image creation through multi-modal prompt engineering and refinement. To assist novice users in prompting, PromptCharm first automatically refines and optimizes the user's initial prompt. Furthermore, PromptCharm supports the user in exploring and selecting different image styles within a large database. To assist users in effectively refining their prompts and images, PromptCharm renders model explanations by visualizing the model's attention values. If the user notices any unsatisfactory areas in the generated images, they can further refine the images through model attention adjustment or image inpainting within the rich feedback loop of PromptCharm. To evaluate the effectiveness and usability of PromptCharm, we conducted a controlled user study with 12 participants and an exploratory user study with another 12 participants. These two studies show that participants using PromptCharm were able to create images with higher quality and better aligned with the user's expectations compared with using two variants of PromptCharm that lacked interaction or visualization support.

An Accessible, Three-Axis Plotter for Enhancing Calligraphy Learning through Generated Motion

An Accessible, Three-Axis Plotter for Enhancing Calligraphy Learning through Generated Motion
