The Social Journal: Investigating Technology to Support and Reflect on Social Interactions


Social interaction is a crucial part of what it means to be human. Maintaining a healthy social life is strongly tied to positive outcomes for both physical and mental health. While we use personal informatics data to reflect on many aspects of our lives, technology-supported reflection for social interactions is currently under-explored. To address this, we first conducted an online survey (N=124) to understand how users want to be supported in their social interactions. Based on this, we designed and developed an app for users to track and reflect on their social interactions and deployed it in the wild for two weeks (N=25). Our results show that users are interested in tracking meaningful in-person interactions that are currently untraced and that an app can effectively support self-reflection on social interaction frequency and social load. We contribute insights and concrete design recommendations for technology-supported reflection for social interaction.

Sophia Sakel
LMU Munich, Munich, Germany
Tabea Blenk
LMU Munich, Munich, Germany
Albrecht Schmidt
LMU Munich, Munich, Germany
Luke Haliburton
LMU Munich, Munich, Germany


会議: CHI 2024

The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (

セッション: Wellbeing and Mental Health C

4 件の発表
2024-05-16 20:00:00
2024-05-16 21:20:00