Learning from Hybrid Craft: Investigating and Reflecting on Innovating and Enlivening Traditional Craft through Literature Review


The key to preserving traditional crafts lies in living transmission, which is inseparable from sustaining artistic production, audience consumption, and progressive innovation with the physical media. As HCI researchers, we focus on the hybrid crafts field, which involves numerous cross-disciplinary integration cases between traditional craftsmanship and digital technology at the physical level, providing inspiration for innovating and enlivening traditional crafts. We conducted a multi-perspective review of 85 hybrid craft articles related to traditional crafts over the past decade, considering aspects such as craft categories, digital technology, target users, and research areas. Through reflection, we propose a design framework for fostering innovation and revitalizing traditional crafts. This paper aims to offer insight into the innovation and enlivenment of traditional crafts through a hybrid craft perspective while also serving as a first review of the hybrid craft field from the traditional craftsmanship perspective.

Guanhong Liu
Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Qingyuan Shi
Communication University of China, Beijing, China
Yuan Yao
School of Architecture and Design, Beijing, Beijing, China
Yuan-Ling Feng
Tsinghua University, Beijing, Haidian, China
Tianyu Yu
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Beituo Liu
Academy of Arts & Design,Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Zhijun Ma
The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), Guangzhou, China
Li Huang
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
Yuting Diao
Tsinghua university, Beijing, China



会議: CHI 2024

The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (https://chi2024.acm.org/)

セッション: Learning and Working

5 件の発表
2024-05-16 20:00:00
2024-05-16 21:20:00