Don’t Look Now: Audio/Haptic Guidance for 3D Scanning of Landmarks


People are increasingly using their smartphones to 3D scan objects and landmarks. On one hand, users have intrinsic motivations to scan well, i.e. keeping the object in-frame while walking around it to achieve coverage. On the other, users can lose interest when filming inanimate objects, and feel rushed and uncertain of their progress when watching their step in public, seeking to avoid attention. We set out to guide users while reducing their stress and increasing engagement, by moving away from the on-screen feedback ubiquitous in existing products and apps meant for 3D scanning. Specifically, our novel interface gives users audio/haptic guidance while they scan statue-type landmarks in public. The interface results from a conceptual design process and a pilot study. Ultimately, we tested 50 users in an ultra-high-traffic area of central London. Compared to regular on-screen feedback, users were more engaged, had unchanged stress levels, and produced better scans.

Honorable Mention
Jessica Van Brummelen
Niantic, Inc., London, United Kingdom
Liv Piper. Urwin
University College London, London, United Kingdom
Oliver James. Johnston
Niantic, Inc., London, United Kingdom
Mohamed Sayed
Niantic, Inc., London, United Kingdom
Gabriel Brostow
University College London, London, United Kingdom


会議: CHI 2024

The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (

セッション: Haptics and Embodied Interaction B

5 件の発表
2024-05-15 20:00:00
2024-05-15 21:20:00