On Stress: Combining Human Factors and Biosignals to Inform the Placement and Design of a Skin-like Stress Sensor


With advances in electronic-skin and wearable technologies, it is possible to continuously measure stress markers from the skin and sweat to monitor and improve wellbeing and health. Understandably, the sensor's engineering and resolution are important towards its function. However, we find that people looking for an e-skin stress sensor may look beyond measurement precision, demanding a private and stealth design to reduce, for example, social stigmatization. We introduce the idea of a stress sensing "wear index," created from the combination of human-centered design (n=24), physiological (n=10), and biochemical (n=16) data. This wear index can inform the design of stress wearables to fit specific applications, e.g., human factors may be relevant for a wellbeing application, versus a relapse prevention application that may require more sensing precision. Our wear index idea can be further generalized as a method to close gaps between design and engineering practices.

Yasser Khan
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, United States
Matthew Louis. Mauriello
University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, United States
Parsa Nowruzi
Stanford University, Palo Alto, California, United States
Akshara Motani
Stanford University , Stanford, Palo Alto , California, United States
Grace Hon
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States
Nicholas Vitale
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States
Jinxing Li
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States
Jayoung Kim
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States
Amir Foudeh
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States
Dalton Duvio
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States
Erika Shols
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States
Megan Chesnut
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States
James A.. Landay
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States
Jan Liphardt
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States
Leanne Williams
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States
Keith D. Sudheimer
Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois, United States
Boris Murmann
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States
Zhenan Bao
Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States
Pablo E. Paredes Castro
Toyota Research Institute, Los Altos, California, United States



会議: CHI 2024

The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (https://chi2024.acm.org/)

セッション: Wellbeing and Mental Health A

5 件の発表
2024-05-15 18:00:00
2024-05-15 19:20:00