Over recent years, there has been significant research within HCI towards free-form physical interactive devices. However, such devices are not straightforward to design, produce and deploy on demand. Traditional development revolves around iterative prototyping through component-based assembly, limiting device structure and implementation. Material-centric personal display fabrication (DisplayFab) opens the possibility of decentralised, configurable production by low-skill makers. Currently, DisplayFab is severely limited by its embryonic stage of development, the complexity of involved processes and materials, and the challenges around designing interactive structures. We present a development framework to provide a path for future research. DisplayFab has been developed by identifying 4 key breakpoints in the existing “Personal Fabrication” framework: Material and Deposition, Conception and Software, Feedback and Interactivity and Responsible Innovation. We use these breakpoints to form a targeted literature review of relevant work. Doing this we identify 30 challenges that act as roadmap for future research in DisplayFab.
The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (https://chi2024.acm.org/)