We propose a gaze-guiding method called MOSion to adjust the guiding strength reacted to observers’ motion based on a high-speed projector and the afterimage effect in the human vision system. Our method decomposes the target area into mosaic patterns to embed visual cues in the perceived images. The patterns can only direct the attention of the moving observers to the target area. The stopping observer can see the original image with little distortion because of light integration in the visual perception. The pre computation of the patterns provides the adaptive guiding effect without tracking devices and computational costs depending on the movements. The evaluation and the user study show that the mosaic decomposition enhances the perceived saliency with a few visual artifacts, especially in moving conditions. Our method embedded in white lights works in various situations such as planar posters, advertisements, and curved objects.
The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (https://chi2024.acm.org/)