Is Resistance Futile?: Early Career Game Developers, Generative AI, and Ethical Skepticism


This paper presents a study that examines developer perceptions and usage of generative AI (GAI) in a summer professional development program for game development interns focused on mobile game design. GAI applications are in common usage worldwide, yet the impacts of this technology in game development remain relatively underexplored. Through a qualitative study using ethnographic interviews and participatory observation, this paper explores how GAI impacted the workflows, creative processes, and professional identities of early career game developers. We present a case of GAI integration that was not a straightforward adoption. Focusing on the interns' resistance, negotiation, and reimagining, we show that the interns were actively developing a new professional culture both with and against generative AI. For the interns, their ethical commitments to fellow game developers and the future of their profession were as important as their practical concerns about usability, utility, and efficacy of GAI tools.

Josiah D. Boucher
WPI, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
Gillian Smith
WPI, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States
Yunus Doğan. Telliel
WPI, Worcester, Massachusetts, United States


会議: CHI 2024

The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (

セッション: Creative Professionals and AI B

5 件の発表
2024-05-13 20:00:00
2024-05-13 21:20:00