Exploring the digital support needs of caregivers of people with serious mental illness


In low-and middle-income countries like India, people with severe mental illness (PSMI) rely on their families as a primary source of care, given the lack of support from healthcare systems. The demanding nature of caregiving places significant physical and mental demands on caregivers, who are the primary source of support to PSMI. We explore how caregivers in under-resourced settings can be better supported through everyday digital technologies. We conducted interviews with caregivers (from urban and rural India), as well as workshops with professionals from Indian NGOs that work directly with PSMIs. We found that technology has the potential to (1) provide carer-centred support that empowers carers who experience stigma and issues with existing support networks; (2) provide support for carers to overcome barriers and progress in the recovery of the PSMI. We conclude with design considerations, proposing how an online peer community can leverage carers' expertise to actualise support provision.

Farheen Siddiqui
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Delvin Varghese
Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Pushpendra Singh
IIIT-Delhi, New Delhi, India
Sunita Bapuji. Bayyavarapu
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Stephen Lindsay
Computing Science, Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom
Dharshani Chandrasekara
Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Pranav Kulkarni
Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Ling Wu
Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Taghreed Alshehri
Taif University, Taif, Saudi Arabia
Patrick Olivier
Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia



会議: CHI 2023

The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (https://chi2023.acm.org/)

セッション: Peer support and caregiving

Hall E
6 件の発表
2023-04-26 23:30:00
2023-04-27 00:55:00