Audio Matters Too: How Audial Avatar Customization Enhances Visual Avatar Customization


Avatar customization is known to positively affect crucial outcomes in numerous domains. However, it is unknown whether audial customization can confer the same benefits as visual customization. We conducted a preregistered 2 x 2 (visual choice vs. visual assignment x audial choice vs. audial assignment) study in a Java programming game. Participants with visual choice experienced higher avatar identification and autonomy. Participants with audial choice experienced higher avatar identification and autonomy, but only within the group of participants who had visual choice available. Visual choice led to an increase in time spent, and indirectly led to increases in intrinsic motivation, immersion, time spent, future play motivation, and likelihood of game recommendation. Audial choice moderated the majority of these effects. Our results suggest that audial customization plays an important enhancing role vis-à-vis visual customization. However, audial customization appears to have a weaker effect compared to visual customization. We discuss the implications for avatar customization more generally across digital applications.

Honorable Mention
Dominic Kao
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, United States
Rabindra Ratan
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, United States
Christos Mousas
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, United States
Amogh Joshi
Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, United States
Edward F.. Melcer
University of California, Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, California, United States


会議: CHI 2022

The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (

セッション: Voice and Audio in Learning

5 件の発表
2022-05-03 23:15:00
2022-05-04 00:30:00