Meeting Users Where They Are: User-centered Design of an Automated Text Messaging Tool to Support the Mental Health of Young Adults


Young adults have high rates of mental health conditions, but most do not want or cannot access formal treatment. We therefore recruited young adults with depression or anxiety symptoms to co-design a digital tool for self-managing their mental health concerns. Through study activities---consisting of an online discussion group and a series of design workshops---participants highlighted the importance of easy-to-use digital tools that allow them to exercise independence in their self-management. They described ways that an automated messaging tool might benefit them by: facilitating experimentation with diverse concepts and experiences; allowing variable depth of engagement based on preferences, availability, and mood; and collecting feedback to personalize the tool. While participants wanted to feel supported by an automated tool, they cautioned against incorporating an overtly human-like motivational tone. We discuss ways to apply these findings to improve the design and dissemination of digital mental health tools for young adults.

Rachel Kornfield
Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, United States
Jonah Meyerhoff
Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, United States
Hannah Studd
Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, United States
Ananya Bhattacharjee
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Joseph Jay. Williams
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Madhu Reddy
University of California, Irvine, Irvine, California, United States
David C.. Mohr
Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, United States


会議: CHI 2022

The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (

セッション: Mental Health and Wellbeing of Young People

5 件の発表
2022-05-03 18:00:00
2022-05-03 19:15:00