Understanding Interactions for Smart Wheelchair Navigation in Crowds


Shared control wheelchairs can help users to navigate through crowds by enabling the person to drive the wheelchair while receiving support in avoiding pedestrians. To date, research into shared control has largely overlooked the perspectives of wheelchair users. In this paper, we present two studies that aim to address this gap. The first study involved a series of semi-structured interviews with wheelchair users which highlighted the presence of two different interaction loops, one between the user and the wheelchair and a second one between the user and the crowd. In the second study we engaged with wheelchair users and designers to co-design appropriate feedback loops for future shared control interaction interfaces. Based on the results of the co-design session, we present design implications for shared control wheelchair around the need for empathy, embodiment and social awareness; situational awareness and adaptability; and selective information management.

Honorable Mention
Bingqing Zhang
University College London, London, United Kingdom
Giulia Barbareschi
University College London, London, United Kingdom
Roxana Ramirez Herrera
University College London, London, United Kingdom
Tom Carlson
University College London, London, United Kingdom
Catherine Holloway
University College London, London, United Kingdom



会議: CHI 2022

The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (https://chi2022.acm.org/)

セッション: Technologies to Support Accessibility

4 件の発表
2022-05-02 23:15:00
2022-05-03 00:30:00