Immersive Experiences: Design and Evaluation

CHI 2024
Milliways: Taming Multiverses through Principled Evaluation of Data Analysis Paths

Multiverse analyses involve conducting all combinations of reasonable choices in a data analysis process. A reader of a study containing a multiverse analysis might question—are all the choices included in the multiverse reasonable and equally justifiable? How much do results vary if we make different choices in the analysis process? In this work, we identify principles for validating the composition of, and interpreting the uncertainty in, the results of a multiverse analysis. We present Milliways, a novel interactive visualisation system to support principled evaluation of multiverse analyses. Milliways provides interlinked panels presenting result distributions, individual analysis composition, multiverse code specification, and data summaries. Milliways supports interactions to sort, filter and aggregate results based on the analysis specification to identify decisions in the analysis process to which the results are sensitive. To represent the two qualitatively different types of uncertainty that arise in multiverse analyses—probabilistic uncertainty from estimating unknown quantities of interest such as regression coefficients, and possibilistic uncertainty from choices in the data analysis—Milliways uses consonance curves and probability boxes. Through an evaluative study with five users familiar with multiverse analysis, we demonstrate how Milliways can support multiverse analysis tasks, including a principled assessment of the results of a multiverse analysis.

Abhraneel Sarma
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, United States
Kyle Hwang
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, United States
Jessica Hullman
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, United States
Matthew Kay
Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, United States

Development and Validation of the Collision Anxiety Questionnaire for VR Applications

The high degree of sensory immersion is a distinctive feature of head-mounted virtual reality (VR) systems. While the visual detachment from the real world enables unique immersive experiences, users risk collisions due to their inability to perceive physical obstacles in their environment. Even the mere anticipation of a collision can adversely affect the overall experience and erode user confidence in the VR system. However, there are currently no valid tools for assessing collision anxiety. We present the iterative development and validation of the Collision Anxiety Questionnaire (CAQ), involving an exploratory and a confirmatory factor analysis with a total of 159 participants. The results provide evidence for both discriminant and convergent validity and a good model fit for the final CAQ with three subscales: general collision anxiety, orientation, and interpersonal collision anxiety. By utilizing the CAQ, researchers can examine potential confounding effects of collision anxiety and evaluate methods for its mitigation.

Honorable Mention
Patrizia Ring
University Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany
Julius Tietenberg
University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, Germany
Katharina Emmerich
University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg, NRW, Germany
Maic Masuch
University of Duisburg-Essen, D-47057 Duisburg, NRW, Germany

Assessing User Apprehensions About Mixed Reality Artifacts and Applications: The Mixed Reality Concerns (MRC) Questionnaire

Current research in Mixed Reality (MR) presents a wide range of novel use cases for blending virtual elements with the real world. This yet-to-be-ubiquitous technology challenges how users currently work and interact with digital content. While offering many potential advantages, MR technologies introduce new security, safety, and privacy challenges. Thus, it is relevant to understand users' apprehensions towards MR technologies, ranging from security concerns to social acceptance. To address this challenge, we present the Mixed Reality Concerns (MRC) Questionnaire, designed to assess users' concerns towards MR artifacts and applications systematically. The development followed a structured process considering previous work, expert interviews, iterative refinements, and confirmatory tests to analytically validate the questionnaire. The MRC Questionnaire offers a new method of assessing users' critical opinions to compare and assess novel MR artifacts and applications regarding security, privacy, social implications, and trust.

Christopher Katins
HU Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Paweł W. Woźniak
Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden
Aodi Chen
HU Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Ihsan Tumay
HU Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Luu Viet Trinh Le
HU Berlin, Berlin, Germany
John Uschold
HU Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Thomas Kosch
HU Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Virtual Unreality: Augmentation-Oriented Ideation Through Design Cards

While realism is a common design goal for virtual reality (VR), VR also offers opportunities that are impossible in the real world (e.g., telekinesis). So far, there is no design support to exploit the potential of such “impossible” augmentations, especially for serious applications. We developed a card set and a workshop format, which features 15 opportunities to facilitate the ideation of augmentation-oriented VR. We piloted the method in five workshops with people in the early stages of developing a VR application (N=35). Participants found the cards easy to use and to inspire viable new concepts that differed from earlier ideas. Analysis of the concepts with interaction criticism identified two strategies: (1) augmentations that are only loosely related to the purpose of the application, simply to increase “fun”, and (2) augmentations that are closely related to the core purpose and thereby subtly facilitate its fulfillment. The latter has the greater potential.

Robin Neuhaus
University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany
Ronda Ringfort-Felner
University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany
Daniel Courtney
University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany
Madlen Kneile
University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany
Marc Hassenzahl
University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany

Evaluating Navigation and Comparison Performance of Computational Notebooks on Desktop and in Virtual Reality

The computational notebook serves as a versatile tool for data analysis. However, its conventional user interface falls short of keeping pace with the ever-growing data-related tasks, signaling the need for novel approaches. With the rapid development of interaction techniques and computing environments, there is a growing interest in integrating emerging technologies in data-driven workflows. Virtual reality, in particular, has demonstrated its potential in interactive data visualizations. In this work, we aimed to experiment with adapting computational notebooks into VR and verify the potential benefits VR can bring. We focus on the navigation and comparison aspects as they are primitive components in analysts' workflow. To further improve comparison, we have designed and implemented a Branching&Merging functionality. We tested computational notebooks on the desktop and in VR, both with and without the added Branching&Merging capability. We found VR significantly facilitated navigation compared to desktop, and the ability to create branches enhanced comparison.

Sungwon In
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
Eric Krokos
Dod, Laurel, Maryland, United States
Kirsten Whitley
Department of Defense, College Park, Maryland, United States
Chris North
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, United States
Yalong Yang
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, United States
