Word-gesture production models that can synthesize word-gestures are critical to the training and evaluation of word-gesture keyboard decoders. We propose WordGesture-GAN, a conditional generative adversarial network that takes arbitrary text as input to generate realistic word-gesture movements in both spatial (i.e., $(x,y)$ coordinates of touch points) and temporal (i.e., timestamps of touch points) dimensions. WordGesture-GAN introduces a Variational Auto-Encoder to extract and embed variations of user-drawn gestures into a Gaussian distribution which can be sampled to control variation in generated gestures. Our experiments on a dataset with 38k gesture samples show that WordGesture-GAN outperforms existing gesture production models including the minimum jerk model [37] and the style-transfer GAN [31,32] in generating realistic gestures. Overall, our research demonstrates that the proposed GAN structure can learn variations in user-drawn gestures, and the resulting WordGesture-GAN can generate word-gesture movement and predict the distribution of gestures. WordGesture-GAN can serve as a valuable tool for designing and evaluating gestural input systems.
The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (https://chi2023.acm.org/)