Documents often have paragraphs packed with numbers that are difficult to extract, compare, and interpret. To help readers make sense of data in text, we introduce the concept of Charagraphs: dynamically generated interactive charts and annotations for in-situ visualization, comparison, and manipulation of numeric data included within text. Three Charagraph characteristics are defined: leveraging related textual information about data; integrating textual and graphical representations; and interacting at different contexts. We contribute a document viewer to select in-text data; generate and customize Charagraphs; merge and refine a Charagraph using other in-text data; and identify, filter, compare, and sort data synchronized between text and visualization. Results of a study show participants can easily create Charagraphs for diverse examples of data-rich text, and when answering questions about data in text, participants were more correct compared to only reading text.
The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (