Phone Sleight of Hand: Finger-Based Dexterous Gestures for Physical Interaction with Mobile Phones


We identify and evaluate single-handed “dexterous gestures” to physically manipulate a phone using the fine motor skills of fingers. Four manipulations are defined: shift, spin (yaw axis), rotate (roll axis) and flip (pitch axis), with a formative survey showing all except flip have been performed for various reasons. A controlled experiment examines the speed, behaviour, and preference of manipulations in the form of dexterous gestures, by considering two directions and two movement magnitudes. Results show rotate is rated as easiest and most comfortable, while flip is rated lowest. Using a heuristic recognizer for spin, rotate, and flip, a one-week usability experiment finds increased practice and familiarity improve the speed and comfort of dexterous gestures. Design guidelines are developed to consider comfort, ability, and confidence when mapping dexterous gestures to interactions, and demonstrations show how such gestures can be used in smartphone applications.

Yen-Ting Yeh
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Fabrice Matulic
Preferred Networks Inc., Tokyo, Japan
Daniel Vogel
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada


会議: CHI 2023

The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (

セッション: Modalities

Hall F
5 件の発表
2023-04-25 01:35:00
2023-04-25 03:00:00