Eliciting and Analysing Users' Envisioned Dialogues with Perfect Voice Assistants


We present a dialogue elicitation study to assess how users envision conversations with a perfect voice assistant (VA). In an online survey, N=205 participants were prompted with everyday scenarios, and wrote the lines of both user and VA in dialogues that they imagined as perfect. We analysed the dialogues with text analytics and qualitative analysis, including number of words and turns, social aspects of conversation, implied VA capabilities, and the influence of user personality. The majority envisioned dialogues with a VA that is interactive and not purely functional; it is smart, proactive, and has knowledge about the user. Attitudes diverged regarding the assistant's role as well as it expressing humour and opinions. An exploratory analysis suggested a relationship with personality for these aspects, but correlations were low overall. We discuss implications for research and design of future VAs, underlining the vision of enabling conversational UIs, rather than single command "Q&As".

Sarah Theres. Völkel
LMU Munich, Munich, Germany
Daniel Buschek
University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany
Malin Eiband
LMU Munich, Munich, Germany
Benjamin R.. Cowan
University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Heinrich Hussmann
LMU Munich, Munich, Germany





会議: CHI 2021

The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (https://chi2021.acm.org/)

セッション: Meetings, Chats, and Speech

[A] Paper Room 15, 2021-05-10 17:00:00~2021-05-10 19:00:00 / [B] Paper Room 15, 2021-05-11 01:00:00~2021-05-11 03:00:00 / [C] Paper Room 15, 2021-05-11 09:00:00~2021-05-11 11:00:00
Paper Room 15
11 件の発表
2021-05-10 17:00:00
2021-05-10 19:00:00