A Feminist Utopian Perspective on the Practice and Promise of Making


While makerspaces are often discussed in terms of a utopian vision of democratization and empowerment, many have shown how these narratives are problematic. There remains optimism for the future of makerspaces, but there is a gap in knowledge of how to articulate their promise and how to pursue it. We present a reflexive and critical reflection of our efforts as leaders of a university makerspace to articulate a vision, as well as our experience running a maker fashion show that aimed to address some specific critiques. We analyze interviews of participants from the fashion show using feminist utopianism as a lens to help us understand an alternate utopian narrative for making. Our contributions include insights about how a particular making context embodies feminist utopianism, insights about the applicability of feminist utopianism to makerspace research and visioning efforts, and a discussion about how our results can guide makerspace leaders and HCI researchers.

Honorable Mention
Johanna Okerlund
UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
David Wilson
UNC Charlotte, Charlotte, North Carolina, United States
Celine Latulipe
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada





会議: CHI 2021

The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (https://chi2021.acm.org/)

セッション: HCI Confronting Issues of Race, Genders, Feminisms, Reproductive Health

[A] Paper Room 03, 2021-05-11 17:00:00~2021-05-11 19:00:00 / [B] Paper Room 03, 2021-05-12 01:00:00~2021-05-12 03:00:00 / [C] Paper Room 03, 2021-05-12 09:00:00~2021-05-12 11:00:00
Paper Room 03
13 件の発表
2021-05-11 17:00:00
2021-05-11 19:00:00