The Struggle for Recognition in Advanced Dementia: Implications for Experience-Centered Design


Focusing on the person with advanced dementia as a social being presents a new opportunity for Experience-Centered Design (ECD), opening design to appreciate the agency and intentional actions of the person with advanced dementia. If Human-Computer Interaction is to shift from the predominantly assistive approach to a focus on experience, a theoretical framing that emphasizes the relational nature of selfhood is needed. In this article, we present Recognition Theory—a social theory based on an inter-subjectivist account of the struggle for recognition—to extend ECD approaches for advanced dementia. Focusing on people with advanced dementia, we examine recognition as a social and ethical perspective for establishing and maintaining self. We present a framework for design based on research with people with advanced dementia, experience-centered engagement and social identity, that will support designers to craft opportunities for mutual recognition in the design process and the practice of making.

Sarah Foley
University College Cork , Cork, Ireland
John McCarthy
University College Cork, Cork, Ireland
Nadia Pantidi
University College Cork, Cork, Ireland



会議: CHI 2020

The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (

セッション: Designing for health

Paper session
313C O'AHU
5 件の発表
2020-04-29 23:00:00
2020-04-30 00:15:00