Imagining Data-Objects for Reflective Self-Tracking


While self-tracking data is typically captured real-time in a lived experience, the data is often stored in a manner detached from the context where it belongs. Research has shown that there is a potential to enhance people's lived experiences with data-objects (artifacts representing contextually relevant data), for individual and collective reflections through a physical portrayal of data. This paper expands that research by studying how to design contextually relevant data-objects based on people's needs. We conducted a participatory research project with five households using object theater as a core method to encourage participants to speculate upon combinations of meaningful objects and personal data archives. In this paper, we detail three aspects that seem relevant for designing data-objects: social sharing, contextual ambiguity and interaction with the body. We show how an experience-centric view on data-objects can contribute with the contextual, social and bodily interplay between people, data and objects.

Personal Objects
Object Theater
Maria Karyda
Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland
Merja Ryöppy
University of Southern Denmark, Kolding, Denmark
Jacob Buur
University of Southern Denmark, Kolding, Denmark
Andrés Lucero
Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland



会議: CHI 2020

The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (

セッション: You live, you learn: your health

Paper session
314 LANA'I
5 件の発表
2020-04-28 23:00:00
2020-04-29 00:15:00