PalmBoard: Leveraging Implicit Touch Pressure in Statistical Decoding for Indirect Text Entry


We investigated how to incorporate implicit touch pressure, finger pressure applied to a touch surface during typing, to improve text entry performance via statistical decoding. We focused on one-handed touch-typing on indirect interface as an example scenario. We first collected typing data on a pressure-sensitive touchpad, and analyzed users' typing behavior such as touch point distribution, key-to-finger mappings, and pressure images. Our investigation revealed distinct pressure patterns for different keys. Based on the findings, we performed a series of simulations to iteratively optimize the statistical decoding algorithm. Our investigation led to a Markov-Bayesian decoder incorporating pressure image data into decoding. It improved the top-1 accuracy from 53% to 74% over a naive Bayesian decoder. We then implemented PalmBoard, a text entry method that implemented the Markov-Bayesian decoder and effectively supported one-handed touch-typing on indirect interfaces. A user study showed participants achieved an average speed of 32.8 WPM with 0.6% error rate. Expert typists could achieve 40.2 WPM with 30 minutes of practice. Overall, our investigation showed that incorporating implicit touch pressure is effective in improving text entry decoding.

Text entry
Input Prediction
Touch Pressure
Xin Yi
Tsinghua University & Key Laboratory of Pervasive Computing, Ministry of Education, Beijing, China
Chen Wang
Tsinghua University & Key Laboratory of Pervasive Computing, Ministry of Education, Beijing, China
Xiaojun Bi
Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, USA
Yuanchun Shi
Tsinghua University & Key Laboratory of Pervasive Computing, Ministry of Education, Beijing, China



会議: CHI 2020

The ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (

セッション: Text Entry, tablets, reading & writing

Paper session
311 KAUA'I
5 件の発表
2020-04-28 23:00:00
2020-04-29 00:15:00